Women and AIDS

Archive ID: 1990_women_and_aids

This production from 1990 debates the worldwide HIV/AIDS situation for women and children. The stigmatization of female sexuality is considered the primary reason of women's particularly exposed situation when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases. In this film female health personnel, social workers and civilians talk about the position of women living with men who inject drugs or sleep with sex workers, and women who themselves are sex workers. Mother-to-child transmission and child prostitution are also subject for discussion. The connection between the AIDS situation for women and children and the active role of male sexuality, is a corner stone in this production. 

Background material

"When I made this film for the opening of the III International AIDS Conference in Germany, the issue of women and AIDS had not so far been a major topic of these conferences.That changed during the 90´s, as more and more HIV activists were women. This film focus on women in different situations, who are all involved in the AIDS movement." - Staffan Hildebrand