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XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna. Demonstration of the "Love Box" which is used as an educational tool at the conference on how to use a condom. Daniela Dimitrovska from Macedonia talks about safe sex and stigma.


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American actress Sharon Stone talks about her memories of Rock Hudson and her work with amfAR. She reflects on AIDS and stigma, how to reach out to young people, and the importance of communication in order to change the sexual behaviors of young people.


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2001 Outreach Edited

A film documenting the situation in Russia in 2002, highlighting the conflict between different approaches to the HIV problem.


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AIDS - From Panic To Silence

The primary focus of this documentary is on the history of how the AIDS epidemic started in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York in 1981. Many different stories are told about people affected or surrounded by HIV and AIDS in the early years of the epidemic.


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Interview with Agneta Dreber from Folkhälsomyndigheten (National Institute of Public Health) in Sweden. She talks about the Swedish HIV/AIDS situation, about sexuality education in schools and HIV/AIDS education in workplaces.


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Jamaican physician Dorothy Blake explains how other sexually transmitted diseases can make HIV easier to catch. She also talks about three main aspects of HIV prevention, which for instance includes a safe sex approach rather than a behavior modification approach.


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AIDS - Föreställningar om en verklighet

"AIDS – Metaphor and Reality" is the very first Face of AIDS documentary from 1986, experts as well as people living with HIV and AIDS speak about stigma. The main message of this film is that AIDS is a worldwide issue which concerns everyone regardless of their sexual preferences.
