Pionjärer i kampen

Archive ID: 2010_karolinska_institutet_aids30

This film is focusing on the Swedish AIDS history and contains interviews with some of the pioneers who have been involved in the Swedish AIDS movement since the early eighties. It also tells about important programs and organizations in the Swedish AIDS response.

Background material

"The original intention with this film was to use it to get fundings together with Noaks Ark, one of Sweden´s leading AIDS organizations, for making an in-depth personal documentary film about the leading Swedish AIDS pioneers, while they were still healthy and involved. Before it was too late. This project is still to be done in the near future. One of the pioneers though - Steve Sjöquist - who is a writer, HIV activist and Deacon at the Karolinska Sjukhuset, have now been filmed in a full length feature documentary on his dramatic life journey and the film was released in 2015." - Staffan Hildebrand