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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results
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Pionjärer i kampen

This film (in Swedish with English subtitles) focuses on the Swedish AIDS history. It consists of interviews with some of the pioneers who have been involved in the Swedish AIDS movement since the early eighties.


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Katharina Lindahl, Secretary General of RFSU, talks about the Swedish HIV prevention campaigns by RFSU and Aidsdelegationen in the early 1990's, and the importance of targeting youth of today with messages of HIV prevention.


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Women at the Frontline of the AIDS Response

This film is about women from different parts of the world who are active in the HIV activist movement. They discuss gender inequality and the exposed situation of women and girls and explain the educational and empowering work which they are doing in their communities.


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XV International AIDS Conference in Bangkok. "Reports from the future" workshop lead by Katharina Lindahl from RFSU. Young activists representing Zambia, Colombia, Sweden and Nepal, speak about youths sexual and reproductive health and rights.
