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Sven Britton 2021

The Swedish professor Emeritus in Infectious Diseases at Karolinska Institutet is interviewed about his memories and work as infectious disease physician in the 1980’s.


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Den längsta resan är inåt - under produktion

This is a pre-version of the documentary about the writer and AIDS activist, Steve Sjöquist, who was diagnosed with HIV in 1987. Steve was one of the first Swedish AIDS patients to get the new ARV medication in 1996, and it saved his life.


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Pionjärer i kampen

This film (in Swedish with English subtitles) focuses on the Swedish AIDS history. It consists of interviews with some of the pioneers who have been involved in the Swedish AIDS movement since the early eighties.


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Women at the Frontline

This is the story of four women living with HIV, who are active in the work against HIV/AIDS in Indonesia, Bolivia, Kenya and Sweden. They tell about their lives and their work with health education, advocacy, and support of women and children.


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Vi och dom

This documentary focuses on stigma and the situation of people living with HIV in Sweden. The film focuses on the consequences of the ignorance and lack of information on HIV and AIDS. It is a story of three individuals living with HIV.


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MD Eric Sandström talks about the Swedish health care situation for people living with HIV and his personal experiences of working with HIV patients. He also talks about the advantages of early ARV treatment, and the organized HIV testing strategies in Sweden.


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Interview with Agneta Dreber from Folkhälsomyndigheten (National Institute of Public Health) in Sweden. She talks about the Swedish HIV/AIDS situation, about sexuality education in schools and HIV/AIDS education in workplaces.


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Robin Weiss, a British Molecular Biologist and Professor of Viral Oncology at University College London, talks about the scientific contribution of small countries like Sweden, interdisciplinary collaborations in HIV research and HIV vaccines.


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Geoffrey Schild, Virologist and Director of the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC), talks about the Swedish contributions to AIDS research and collaboration with funding agencies such as Nutek, and reflects on HIV vaccines.
