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Theme SF Housing

Bart is working in a hotel for people who are living with HIV/AIDS in San Francisco. He tells about the mission of the program and the services provided. The hotel is for people who for any reason need housing, care and support.


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The Longest Journey is the Journey Within 2015

This is the story about Steve Sjöquist - writer, HIV activist and deacon at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset in Stockholm. Steve was diagnosed with HIV in 1987 and he was one of the first Swedish AIDS patients to get the new antiretroviral therapy in 1996. It saved his life.


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XIX International AIDS Conference opening ceremony. Speeches by the Elizabeth Taylor award winners of 2012, political and religious leaders, leaders of international agencies such as UNAIDS, IAS, The Global Fund, The World Bank and UN, and many other delegates.


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XIX International AIDS Conference. Paul Nsubuga Semugoma from the Global Forum on MSM and HIV, talks about the situation of men who have sex with men in Uganda and how stigma and discrimination interferes with the work to prevent HIV and end AIDS.


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America and AIDS

This film tells the US story of the AIDS epidemic starting in the early 1980's. Scientists and activists, both pioneers and youths of today, talk about research, prevention, treatment and care. They also discuss stigma, homophobia and poverty as closely related to HIV and AIDS.


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XV International AIDS Conference in Bangkok in July, 2004. Session on combating stigma and discrimination, and the role of religious leaders in building inclusive communities. Speech by unknown spiritual leader in Arabic.


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Sten Vermund from University of Alabama reflects on the history of the global AIDS epidemic and his involvement in the field as a young scientist in the 80's. He discusses the social and economic factors of HIV/AIDS, such as stigma, poverty and the drug industry.
