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XIX International AIDS Conference. Session "Gender and Science: Shifting the Paradigm in HIV Research" discussing the inclusion of structural and biological gender factors as part of HIV research, and the participation of women living with HIV in clinical trials.


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XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico City. Interview with Dr Mervyn Silverman from San Francisco, who has been active in the AIDS movement since the early 80's. Here he reflects on the leadership of UNAIDS Director Peter Piot.


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America and AIDS

This film tells the US story of the AIDS epidemic starting in the early 1980's. Scientists and activists, both pioneers and youths of today, talk about research, prevention, treatment and care. They also discuss stigma, homophobia and poverty as closely related to HIV and AIDS.


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Women and AIDS

This production from 1990 debates the worldwide HIV/AIDS situation for women and children. The stigmatization of female sexuality is considered the primary reason of women's particularly exposed situation when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases.
